Post by Starshatter on Nov 14, 2007 19:41:23 GMT
I am 4 hours and 6 hours away if you need assistance.......
Luxor Admin
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Post by 2kcastle on Nov 15, 2007 6:56:00 GMT
Attack launched. exact time of arrival is 15:33
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 10:50:22 GMT
Starshatter, could you knock down a few additional structures?
Reedy's launches:
Lord_Reed clearing fleet at 15:40 Fleet away
Lord_Reed storehouse at 16:05 Fleet away
Lord_Reed goldmine at 16:10 Fleet away
Lord_Reed watchtower at 16:20 Fleet away
Post by Dalfiatach on Nov 15, 2007 10:51:46 GMT
Ooops. Sorry lads, I miscalculated. My nearest useful fleet is, ummm, 17 hours away...so I should've launched last night some time...
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 10:55:55 GMT
I'll send another clearing fleet to hit at 15:40
KoM Admin
Posts: 608
Post by RapSO on Nov 15, 2007 11:36:23 GMT
I was away yesterday evening, will be again tonight, but I can hit fast and flatten as well. I can colo it later if needs be, but I have sufficient stonies in the area to defend it.
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 12:06:37 GMT
That would be great rapso, just pick up the remaining targets
KoM Admin
Posts: 608
Post by RapSO on Nov 15, 2007 13:56:20 GMT
I can take down all additional structures, wall, barracks, harbour, lumber mill, any more needed?
Added: I've spied his other isle nearby 12:36:12 and there are some stonies that he might shift. Perhaps that isle should be taken out as well?
Attacks send to hit wall, barracks, lumber mill and harbour.
Attacks send to 12:36:12 as well to keep him occupied Seeing that I won't have time to be online tonight, I might try to colo the latter tomorrow.
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 14:41:45 GMT
No I think that will be enough to cripple it good and proper, onto the next target and beyond!
Luxor Member
Veni. Vidi. Vici. Mori.
Posts: 1,437
Post by Clausewitz on Nov 15, 2007 15:16:51 GMT
Be advised that two players run the IK_Nuke account. Uni and kek (hence, the word "IK_Nuke" is derived from those letters, having formerly been "Boston" who built the account as a Top 5). Uni = middle-aged fellow who runs an extensive database to track his units. Savvy, but tends to rely on brute force over finesse. From my current residence of North Carolina. Kek = young Estonian (16ish). Extraordinary in the realm of programming and whatnot, but completely inept at running the account. He has been reduced to merely sending transports, as when Uni joined him in the Boston account, it was found to be in atrocious shape. In other words, kek is online in Estonia's waking hours, and he's not very shape. Uni is online in the US's waking hours. Catch the account when kek is online, and you'll see far better results
KoM Admin
Posts: 608
Post by RapSO on Nov 15, 2007 15:27:24 GMT
I mistimed so I ended up clearing and destroying the barracks. Fleets inbound for Lumber mill and harbour as well, and collateral damage will ensue as well. I'll leave to get drunk and forget I just lost 500LWS...
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 15:31:40 GMT
Ouch From the look of some of our collective first wave hit results, we need to be a tad more co-ordinated me thinks
KoM Admin
Posts: 608
Post by RapSO on Nov 15, 2007 15:43:26 GMT
I think that's true. I'll have much better time tomorrow. I have a fleet aimed at the wall to take that down, and his lumber mill and barracks are destroyed, harbour at level 5.
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 15:52:05 GMT
Excellent, as i've got three inbound to take down the SH, GM and watchtower, don't want them to crash on a load of rocks!
Morkin Member
For Morkin
Posts: 343
Post by Lord_Reed on Nov 15, 2007 17:25:21 GMT
Goldmine, storehouse and watchtower raised to the ground.