Morkin Admin
Aqua profunda est quieta
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Post by inyati on Aug 28, 2007 17:17:35 GMT
...and even so, there are 17 diferent combinations for the final awards....
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Posts: 638
Post by kae on Aug 28, 2007 17:32:13 GMT
awesome job! Exalt!
Morkin Admin
Aqua profunda est quieta
Posts: 4,310
Post by inyati on Aug 28, 2007 18:02:44 GMT
SUNRISE AWARDS (final) ORGANIZATION (sSUNorg) Warliter inyati Skulkrinbait SUPPORT AWARD (sSUNsup) Kae McGoogus COLONY TAKEOVER AWARD (sSUNcto) Harlequin BOMBARDMENT AWARD (sSUNbom) Matija blazed Tigon KILL AWARD (sSUNkil) Raistlin *kampf Lord_Reed Ringthane DEFENCE AWARD (sSUNdef) Sol The_Lith *BigBlue BERSERKER AWARD (sSUNber) Dalfiatach hafbaked (NULL) SUPPORT AND KILL AWARD (sSUNspkl) Aeros SUPPORT AND DEFENCE AWARD (sSUNsudf) Domhnall BOMBARDMENT AND DEFENCE*Solstice COLONY TAKEOVER AND DEFENCE (sSUNctdf) Guinthefey *Nemesis DIPLOMATIC EFFORT, COLONY TAKEOVER AND DEFENCE AWARD (sSUNdictdf) Arminius CUP OF DREAMS (sSUNcod) Natmus- Bombardment Award, Kill Award CUP OF DREAMS AND DEFENCE AWARD (sSUNcddf) tom_the_buffalo_soldier- Colony Takeover Award, Kill Award, Defence Award CUP OF DREAMS and DIPLOMATIC EFFORT *Ashimar- Diplomatic, Colony Takeover Award, Bombardment Award CUP OF DREAMS and ORGANIZATION (sSUNcdor) Shendemiar- Organization, Colony Takeover Award, Bombardment Award BLOOD OF COURAGE (sSUNboc) Nottap- Colony Takeover Award, Bombardment Award, Kill Award BLOOD OF COURAGE and ORGANIZATION (sSUNbcor) eproxy]- Organization, Colony Takeover Award, Bombardment Award, Kill Award BLOOD OF COURAGE AND DEFENCE AWARD (sSUNbcdf) Freiegeister- Colony Takeover Award, Bombardment Award, Kill Award, Defence Award
*note: Are not in the forum or do not wear ribbons EDIT by Nottap: Added the ribbon code names, for the graphics.
Luxor Admin
Oceans old & new
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Post by eproxy on Aug 28, 2007 20:34:55 GMT
Exalts! I can see alot of time, effort and probably more important thought has gone into all this. Thank you very much inyati!
Post by domhnall on Aug 28, 2007 23:18:29 GMT
Nice! Exalt!
Luxor Admin
Posts: 1,138
Post by AeroS on Aug 29, 2007 0:54:54 GMT
Very nice! Exalts even. I am very envious of the 'Cup of Dreams' and 'Blood of Courage' recipients. Good job guys. EDIT: I just noticed that inyati's simpson avatar is wearing his new war ribbon I can't exalt you again yet but I will when I remember ;D
Morkin Admin
Mmmm, free goo!
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Post by Shendemiar on Aug 29, 2007 1:03:34 GMT
Amazingly beatyful, exalts. And you should have one for organization too!
Luxor Member
Posts: 548
Post by McGoogus on Aug 29, 2007 1:07:31 GMT
More exalts! Well done!
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Post by Freiegeister on Aug 29, 2007 4:38:37 GMT
Yes, very deserving of a cool ribbon ribbon.
Morkin Admin
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Post by mmupatton on Aug 29, 2007 5:56:30 GMT
I hope you agree with the latest revised Campaign ribbon structure, because: 1- Some would get more than 3 symbols on the ribbon (just wont fit) 2- I've got a bloody headache from putting it together You'll get a headache? Think about the fella that's going to update the Javascript
Morkin Admin
bl**dy beer pressure!
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Post by mmupatton on Aug 29, 2007 5:58:17 GMT
Oh, and exalts. I'll get right on to the task of uploading the ribbons to the server.
EDIT: Inyati, I have used the filenames you gave the icons, since 1) they fit the scheme and 2) I couldn't figure out a way to make them shorter without making them (more) obscure.
So the ribbon names are, in the order you gave them, sSUNorg sSUNsup sSUNcto sSUNbom sSUNkil sSUNdef sSUNber sSUNsudf sSUNctdf sSUNdictdf sSUNcod sSUNcddf sSUNcdor sSUNboc sSUNbcor sSUNbcdf
and the Javascript (rollover on the ribbons) should also work now.
Morkin Admin
bl**dy beer pressure!
Posts: 1,453
Post by mmupatton on Aug 29, 2007 6:19:12 GMT
Except - now something has screwed up the images - was it me? I fixed a javascript error...
EDIT: Yeah, I reintroduced the error and now the images work - something tells me the problem is slightly different. Hold on...
Morkin Member
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Post by Lord_Reed on Aug 29, 2007 8:25:30 GMT
Looking forward to wearing my kill ribbon with pride, exalts Inyati!
Morkin Admin
Mmmm, free goo!
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Post by Shendemiar on Aug 29, 2007 10:11:40 GMT
Oh, and exalts. I'll get right on to the task of uploading the ribbons to the server. EDIT: Inyati, I have used the filenames you gave the icons, since 1) they fit the scheme and 2) I couldn't figure out a way to make them shorter without making them (more) obscure. So the ribbon names are, in the order you gave them, sSUNorg sSUNsup sSUNcto sSUNbom sSUNkil sSUNdef sSUNber sSUNsudf sSUNctdf sSUNdictdf sSUNcod sSUNcddf sSUNcdor sSUNboc sSUNbcor sSUNbcdf and the Javascript (rollover on the ribbons) should also work now. I would have gone with shorter names (SR1, SR2, SRA, SRB...) but otherwise grand job, exalts!
Morkin Admin
Aqua profunda est quieta
Posts: 4,310
Post by inyati on Aug 29, 2007 10:50:53 GMT
Thank you all for your exalts and comments. Very much appreciated. Thanks to all that helped as well for getting the info. Special thanks to Robert and Henning for their work and effort.
Finaly this is over! ;D