Morkin Admin
Haxx0rs == Suxx0rs! v4
Posts: 6,680
Post by SkulkrinBait on Feb 7, 2007 7:44:21 GMT
Unusual this one, it's for two members, those in Blayd.
I'm voting yes already as we knew blaydwoman very well on the server and she will be a great asset to FoM.
Questionnire sent.
Morkin Admin
Baniter from M/MU
Posts: 814
Post by Warliter on Feb 7, 2007 8:15:37 GMT
send the questionnaire to them both. But if you can recommend them I say let them in Skulks
Luxor Admin
Supreme Prosecutor
Posts: 1,067
Post by 2kcastle on Feb 7, 2007 9:38:58 GMT
how did you know her on .uk ?
Morkin Admin
bl**dy beer pressure!
Posts: 1,453
Post by mmupatton on Feb 7, 2007 9:59:55 GMT
We had a good relationship between Morkin and her and her husbands (?) alliance. One of my good friends also joined her alliance. She fell for one of the scams and lost her account to a hacker but reappeared with a different account. I also think that she was burned by the whole LadyHawke / DarkLady / Sheldon / Carol incident and I seem to remember she chose the right side in the dispute. Ours But someone else with a better memory better confirm this.
Luxor Admin
Posts: 1,138
Post by AeroS on Feb 7, 2007 10:21:00 GMT
must have just joined. thier total alliance score is 8.
Morkin Admin
Fight the power!
Posts: 4,518
Post by Natmus on Feb 7, 2007 15:08:47 GMT
Yes, we knew her, and to some degree her husband, well on the .uk server. They were brought into the game by Sheldon Perry, the guy who ran the DarkLady &c multi, but she broke contact with the rest of Hawk there when she got fed up with the way it was run.
I came into contact with her when Darklady was forced to abandon the LadyHawke account, and Morkin levelled the isle so it would have less worth for the one designated to take over the isle.
Between what Kim (blaydwoman) knew of the private side of Sheldon, and what I could bring up about his previous LadyHawke persona, and bringing in the MMU webmaster to look at recorded IP addresses and such, we pieced together the absolute proof about the multi accounts and how several big players had been played by Perry, resulting in Morkin's operation "Truth and Light" where we struck at all multi accounts simultaneously, while managing to keep both Hawk and all DarkLady's boyfriends from relatiating.
Kin since was a good friend of Morkin, gathering information for us, and alway offering to suicide along with us when we fought Wraith or E~L or whoever we else fought.
Morkin Admin
Haxx0rs == Suxx0rs! v4
Posts: 6,680
Post by SkulkrinBait on Feb 7, 2007 16:47:49 GMT
Women! I think we should keep in contact with them, they will probably be good allies.
Morkin Admin
Baniter from M/MU
Posts: 814
Post by Warliter on Feb 7, 2007 18:27:38 GMT
Perhaps then we should suggest that they can add an affiliated with Morkin/FoM line in their Alliance profile if they wanted some protection as they are currently small. They sound like proven friends of Morkin and as such I think we should offer them a treaty. I wasn't on .uk so I cant comment, but going on Natmus's account I think we can trust them.
Morkin Admin
Haxx0rs == Suxx0rs! v4
Posts: 6,680
Post by SkulkrinBait on Feb 7, 2007 19:30:43 GMT
A pact certainly, everyone OK with that?
Luxor Admin
Supreme Prosecutor
Posts: 1,067
Post by 2kcastle on Feb 7, 2007 19:31:41 GMT
sounds good to me
Morkin Admin
Fight the power!
Posts: 4,518
Post by Natmus on Feb 7, 2007 22:28:00 GMT
Yes, Morkin and Blayd had a pact on the .uk server until Kim and Mike (-woman and Blayd) quit that server to solve RL issues.