Mar 18, 2004 14:26:48 GMT
Post by Old Shendemiar on Mar 18, 2004 14:26:48 GMT
At what point did you add the spashscreen support... I have missed that one totally!
I remember having really strange problems with my own spashscreen tests... I guess my graphics editor save jpgs sometimes with different settings...
Did it go easy for you?
Public Area Guest
Issa (Vis) [1:76:24]
Posts: 2,506
Mar 18, 2004 19:05:04 GMT
Post by Perun on Mar 18, 2004 19:05:04 GMT
At what point did you add the spashscreen support... I have missed that one totally! I remember having really strange problems with my own spashscreen tests... I guess my graphics editor save jpgs sometimes with different settings... Did it go easy for you? You mean splash screen? Lomex does not have a splash screen! If you meant Mesced, it does have a splash screen. Adding one in Delphi is extremely easy, for example: mesced.dpr, main module, code with asterisk shows the splash screen ... begin * fLogo:=TfLogo.Create(Application); * fLogo.Show; * Application.ProcessMessages; Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'Midnight Engine Scenario Editor'; Application.CreateForm(TfMain, fMain); ... Application.Run; end.
ulogo.pas, splash screen form, timer is set to 5 seconds. On timeout it closes the form, if it isn't already closed by mouse click procedure TfLogo.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end;
procedure TfLogo.Image1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Application.MainForm.Visible then Timer1Timer(Sender); end;
procedure TfLogo.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action:=caFree; end;
This is all to it - simple as it can be! I hope this was helpful at least a bit...
Mar 18, 2004 22:08:21 GMT
Post by Old Shendemiar on Mar 18, 2004 22:08:21 GMT
I meant MEScEd, and the scenario splashscreen ;D
Mar 18, 2004 22:12:39 GMT
Post by Old Shendemiar on Mar 18, 2004 22:12:39 GMT
In all your apps, where do you get those magnificent wizard side-pictures? Thaey fit in like skulkrin to a smelly cave!
Mar 19, 2004 8:52:39 GMT
Post by sparrowhawk on Mar 19, 2004 8:52:39 GMT
He is a master craftsman! Beautiful gfx, fabulous applications, top web site.
Public Area Guest
Issa (Vis) [1:76:24]
Posts: 2,506
Mar 19, 2004 15:22:59 GMT
Post by Perun on Mar 19, 2004 15:22:59 GMT
He is a master craftsman! Beautiful gfx, fabulous applications, top web site. Oh, come on!
Public Area Guest
Issa (Vis) [1:76:24]
Posts: 2,506
Mar 19, 2004 15:29:45 GMT
Post by Perun on Mar 19, 2004 15:29:45 GMT
In all your apps, where do you get those magnificent wizard side-pictures? Thaey fit in like skulkrin to a smelly cave! Take two pictures, one for top half, one for bottom. Blend two pictures in any gfx tool that supports layers and transparency (photoshop, paint shop pro, ...): one pic is gradiently more transparent from top down, other from bottom up. That's all!
Mar 20, 2004 11:45:05 GMT
Post by celebaglar on Mar 20, 2004 11:45:05 GMT
BTW, is the latest released MEScEd not available for download because it became obsolete, or am I dreaming and it never was released for us plebs to play with?
Morkin Member
The Turtle Moves!
Posts: 1,696
Mar 20, 2004 15:16:04 GMT
Post by Matija on Mar 20, 2004 15:16:04 GMT
I believe it was never released.
Mar 20, 2004 15:45:14 GMT
Post by Old Shendemiar on Mar 20, 2004 15:45:14 GMT
I believe it was never released. Your correct, but I (örhm örhm... ;D ) Happen to have quite a bunch of various versions... (Am i important person or what?)
Public Area Guest
Issa (Vis) [1:76:24]
Posts: 2,506
Mar 21, 2004 14:04:41 GMT
Post by Perun on Mar 21, 2004 14:04:41 GMT
No, it was never publicly released. Robert is the only person beside me who saw it.